Business Rules
Data Quality Rules - Identify non-compliant rows in your data ..
Last updated
Data Quality Rules - Identify non-compliant rows in your data ..
Last updated
It’s not simply the quality and timeliness of data that matters, it’s what you can do with it that really matters. It’s all about showing more value to business people from having higher-quality, more up-to-date data.
Business Rules translate business requirements into logic-based rules you can use to tag your data. You can define business rules to manage your data and track its quality by designating whether or not that data is compliant.
You can use the Business Glossary page to define the compliant and non-compliant data and data formats.
Using these definitions, you can use business rules to apply SQL commands (called Data Quality Rules) that identify non-compliant rows in your data. You can add any number of data quality rules to a Business Rule.
If rows are returned it means some of our data is non-compliant (this data is of poor data quality) and we should further investigate and remedy the data at source. Once that is complete, the number of non-compliant rows will hopefully reduce to zero, thus increasing the overall data quality.
Business Rules can be assigned any number of Data Quality (DQ):
• You can choose whether or not to enable data quality rules.
• You can also decide if a rule requires supervisor approval before being deployed.
• Use custom tags to track and group business rules according to your needs.
• For data quality type rules, you can further define one of the 7 standard dimensions of DQ.
To access your catalog, please follow these steps:
Open Google Chrome web browser. and click on the bookmark, or
Navigate to: https://pdc.pentaho.example/
Enter the following email and password, then click Sign In.
For enhanced security, it is strongly recommended that users avoid saving their login details directly in web browsers. Browsers may inadvertently autofill these credentials in unrelated fields, posing a security risk.
Best Practice
• Disable Autofill: To mitigate potential risks, users should disable the autofill functionality for login credentials in their browser settings. This preventive measure ensures that sensitive information is not unintentionally exposed or misused.
From the Business Rules card click Add New and select: Add Business Rule.
Business rules relate to data quality in at least two fundamental ways. First, they can automate the decisions that the company makes in its day-to-day operations, Second, they can be used to audit data produced by existing processes for compliance with external regulation as well as internal business policies and goals.
Click Management in the left navigation menu.
In the 'Business Rules', click: 'Add Business Rule'.
In the Create Business Rule page, enter the following information.
Business Rule Name (Required)
Enter the unique name of the rule that your users will recognize. Names must start with a letter, and contain only letters, digits, hyphens, or underscores. White spaces are supported, but trailing spaces are not allowed in names.
Created by
Select the username of the owner of the rule. The default value of this field is the logged-in user.
Enter a description for this rule. For example, you may want to indicate the purpose of the rule to assist other users.
Enter additional comments for the rule. For example, you may want to describe the workflow or use case of the rule.
Custom Tag
Add Tag - enables you to group the rules.
Rule Enabled
By default, a new rule is enabled.
Clear the check box to disable the rule. When a Rules Execution job is run, disabled rules are skipped and are not evaluated.
Rule Approved
Select to approve the rule. This option is only available to users with the Data Quality Administrator role.
If you've taken a look at the synthea:patients table you will have noticed that not all the patient passport numbers have been entered.
Let's create a Business Rule, a Data Quality Rule, checking for the passport number.
When the Data Quality Rule is applied (non-compliant passport numbers >= 10% of total count) the corresponding Business Rule status = FAILED.
Business Rule Name
Created by
System Operator
DQ - passport number
Applies to all records
Custom Tag
Rule Enabled
Rule Approved
uncheck - if you 'approve' the rule you will not be able to configure the rule.
Click Create Business Rule to save your rule.
In the confirmation window, click Configure to Configure a rule or click Close to configure it later.